
Happy birthday Nicolas Cage!

Nicolas Cage.

I hope you continue to wear leather pants in your movies for many years.


Anonymous said...

Not Cage related...however, as a fellow fan of suspiciously bad movies I offer you a game to play while watching Reign of Fire.

It's very similar to the game I play with Jurassic Park where I pretend that the character Muldoon doesn't know he's in a movie. This requires pretending that Matthew McConaughey doesn't know he's in a movie. Also that he's never seen a script and is just genuinely responding to the threat of dragons. Justifying why they would need Christain Bale in the movie since such mighty acting chops would be required to improvise an entire movie opposite McConaughey.

Then you're also welcome to take a drink every time McConaughey makes an grunting sound for seemingly no reason.

jessy said...

I had always assumed I'd watched Reign of Fire.

Turns out I hadn't. I must have had it confused with some other awful dragon movie. I watched the trailer a few moments ago, and I have now convinced myself this needs to be watched ASAP. ^_^

Unknown said...

Haha, you most certainly should. Christ...that movie is so bad.

Lemme know what you think. Or any new RoF games I should be aware of: johnwjarvis@gmail.com

I play quite a few. For instance 'Richard Dawson in Running Man is playing himself'. Or 'Terry Silver in Karate Kid III is actually Chosen from KKII in disguise'.

Even the most ridiculous games like that tend to make bad movies incredible. ;)